What are you ready to reclaim?

What was your favorite childhood present? Is there a birthday, Christmas, or generous surprise gift that you can still remember loving on so much that it’s imprinted on your internal time hop?

When I was younger, I loved to sing. I asked for a microphone for Christmas and it was my treasure with which to serenade and entertain (i.e. annoy) everyone at Christmas dinner.

I look back on pictures of that year and wonder what happened to that microphone. It quietly disappeared like so many other ideas and dreams that lit me up, but then fizzled out.

The more I picked up from others and carried around, the more I decreased the volume on my metaphorical microphone as well. Somewhere along the way I picked up the belief that it was unsafe to be so vocal. It was unsafe to live authentically. It was unsafe to just be me.

As young girls, and later as women, we journey along picking up nuggets here and tidbits there. Labels, roles, dreams, ambitions, ideas, and beliefs that we didn’t come into this world having>> ICYMI.

The more we pick up, the more we pile on, the further we get from who we are. This ‘stuff’ lives as tension and unease within our bodies - often our chest, belly, or throat - manifesting as chronic health issues with a side effect of deep dissatisfaction and disconnection from who we are.

All that external baggage isn’t aligned with who we are, who we came here to be. If it were, it wouldn’t feel so constricting – it’d feel expansive.

Want to hear the really cool part? 

We can reclaim that expansion.

We can reclaim what we tucked away long ago (or last decade or last week) and we can carry it proudly.

We can honor the 7 year old within who put aside her microphone and we can reclaim our voices now.

We can remember the light that shone so effortlessly when who we were was just who we were – no editing, no comprehension of all the ‘shoulds’ that would later be placed on us.

What are you ready to reclaim?

What did you zip up in your childhood backpack only to never open again?

  • Self-trust?

  • A trust in your own wisdom and intuition?

  • Your capacity for play?

  • Your voice?

  • Joy?

  • Dreams?

  • Freedom and peace in your body?

  • Dare I say, an all-around DGAF attitude? (My daughter has this in spades and I love it).

Whatever you’re ready to reclaim, state it loudly and proudly, even if only to yourself – you’re the one who needs to hear it most.

What if I have no idea what I want? Who I am? Or what gold is buried in my childhood dreams?
If the thought of trying to reclaim anything feels too big, that’s ok. Be open to remembering and that’s all you have to do.

Have the willingness to find what lights you up, have the willingness to believe in your voice and the superpower it is to be you – and it will come.

If increasing your self-trust, tuning into your body’s infinite wisdom, and reclaiming yourself sounds like  part of your path, then I invite you to check out Reclaim Your Body, Rewrite Your Stories.

It’s for women who are ready to take back their relationship to their body, to re-establish themselves as the expert of their body and their life so they may live more authentically and vibrantly.  

Until next time,

Holistic Nutritionist
Health Educator, Speaker, Consultant

Emma MulvanyComment