What are you holding?

As women we hold a lot.

We hold our kids snacks as they run off to the swing set.

We hold our book bags, grocery bags, diaper bags, shoes when they start to hurt, laundry baskets up and down the stairs, powerpoint slides and meeting notes, agendas and responsibilities.

We know about all of these things. 

But what about the things we’re less aware of?

The labels we’ve inherited.

The attributes and qualities given to us by others.

The beliefs we picked up and fit snug inside so they feel as if they’re ours.

Last week, we reflected on remembering who we are. Remembering our power and the ways we’ve become disconnected from ourselves, forgetting who we are.

Today we’re taking the next step and going deep so hold onto your coffee cup and get ready for some Big Talk with me.   (Anyone else small-talk inept? ) 

Spoiler alert >> I’m inviting you to look at what you’re ready to let go of.

What are you holding that isn’t serving you?

Habits. Labels. Roles. Tasks. Beliefs. Ways of being.

Whatever it is that you’ve been carrying, it’s time to put it down.

By releasing what no longer serves us – what carries us further from the truth of who we are – we create space for more of what we do want.

More alignment, joy, abundance, health, energy, vitality, connection, rest, truth.

Your Sacred Invitation 

Grab your pen and journal (or notes app if that's more your jam) and ponder the following:
Are there beliefs about your body that aren’t yours?

Maybe you picked up that your body should be something different than what it is. With lots of compassion, I call bullsh** on that one.

Any belief you carry that your body isn’t exactly as it should be is an inherited projection from someone else that has nothing to do with your worth. (ok, off my soap box now. The thought of women continuing to suffer from diet culture indoctrination and body conditioning makes my mama heart ache>>passionate and sacred rage)

Are there labels you’ve owned that aren’t yours?

Labels of good girl, people-pleaser, peace-keeper, self-sacrificer, or any other descriptor that serves everyone around you but zaps your vital energy?

To close the exercise, acknowledge and witness the labels without judgment. Offer compassion for where they came from and the heavy load you've carried. 

That's it. You can rest now. 
If you’ve made it this far, I applaud you. And offer you a super big virtual hug and fist bump.

This work isn’t easy. And not everyone is ready for it. Not everyone has space for it. And that’s ok.

If your heart is bringing you this far, if any of this is meeting you where you are, then you’re one of the lucky ones. Privileged enough to have the space to hold what’s ready to be reclaimed.

We can hold it.
We can hold it for those who can’t.
We can hold it for the women who are holding too much.
We can hold it for the parts of ourselves that still doubt. 
We can hold it.
Because it’s ours to hold.
And ours to reclaim.

Until next time,

Holistic Nutritionist
Health Educator, Speaker, Consultant

Emma MulvanyComment