
Emma Mulvany,

Women’s (W)holistic Wellness Mentor
Educator & Speaker
Certified Holistic Nutritionist

I’m Emma Mulvany, and I’m so excited you’re here!

Let’s start with a little story.

I sat across from my husband at the dining room table, grasping my tea cup like it would somehow provide me the life force I was missing.

At this point, we had 2 girls - about 9 months old and 2 - and I had been counseling women in holistic nutrition for almost a year.

I was feeling tugged apart by resentment, desire, sleep deprivation, anger, and a deep knowing that something was off.

I finally blurted, there has to be a way to do motherhood that doesn’t ask me to sacrifice every part of myself. There has to be a way to do life that honors more of what I want and what I need - even in these early, hard years.

Fast forward 1 year as I continued to search for The Way, and I found myself sitting on the couch during naptime with Glennon Doyle’s Untamed open on my lap.

I had just finished the prologue, an essay entitled, Cheetah, and I can still remember the rush of fear and anxiety that settled in my stomach, like I had just hit the high point of the roller coaster and was about to go down.

Oh fuck.*

Something in me woke up that day. An ember that had been dying was reignited.

Her words struck something so deep within that I knew this would divide my life into Before and After.

And it terrified me.


I was so worried it would crumble my world.

And in many ways it did.

It was deeply uncomfortable to examine my life and the stories I had been carrying about power, happiness, money, health, what it means to be a woman, a partner, a mom, and a business woman.

Amidst the discomfort, there was a voice telling me that this is The Way.

This is how I go from resentful to fulfilled.

This is how I go from living scared to living authentically.

This voice told me to keep excavating, keep asking the tough questions so that I can dismantle all that doesn’t serve me.


And begin to rebuild.

The rebuilding is an ever-evolving process that will never see an end.

Once I had these experiences - these awakenings - I knew it was part of my purpose to share my learnings with other women and weave the tools and wisdom I uncovered into my practice of counseling women.


This is what it means to take a truly holistic approach to wellness.

We honor every aspect of being that is asking for attention.

We ask the hard questions.

We do the hard work.

For ourselves.

For our daughters, and granddaughters.

For every woman on earth who can’t do the work.

And every woman who came before us.

If you’re ready to do the work, let’s go!

I've experienced

  • depression and anxiety

  • struggled with digestive issues

  • autoimmune disorders

  • pain disorders

    and been dismissed by more doctors than I can count. Empathy isn’t just a quality I value, it’s one I embody. I may not have walked your exact path but I can guarantee I have been where you are at some point on my own journey.

Women are canaries in the coal mine.

Our biological makeup is more more adept at identifying and sensitive to the shifts that occur in our environment (both nearby and far reaching), particularly imbalances and deviations from what serves us best.

That’s why self-trust and following your Truth are so important to me.

It’s the only way I know so far, to truly heal and start living the life you deserve.


We ask the tough questions to find out what's really keeping you from being well - mind, body, and soul.


My nutritional approach is founded in whole food plant based nutrition that supports your unique biology and experience.


My mental/emotional approach is based in embodiment and Internal family systems (IFS) therapy so we honor all of your parts by letting your body lead.


My spiritual approach is informed by the teachings of the metaphysical text, A Course in Miracles, and the deep belief that there is no separation between spirit and human, and from one person to another. We're all love. and all inherently worthy.

I believe in the healing power of stories.

I share many of my own personal stories of healing and reclamation as I walk this journey with you. I am a woman evolving and I share my stories to awaken your own inner wisdom in my weekly emails.

Home...isn’t a place or a time or a person....home [is] a feeling, a sense of being complete.
— Kate Morton

Teaching lights me up!

There is nothing more rewarding, fulfilling, and beautiful than witnessing you realize you already have everything you need within you.

You hold all the answers - I just provide the tools to unleash them.

I teach my material in a compassionate, supportive, and gentle way that honors your body and path no matter your starting point.

I believe women are far more powerful than we often give ourselves credit for and I'm here to help you believe in your own inner power.

Coming home to yourself isn’t just a wispy tagline, it’s been my journey and my life and a deeply personal purpose to help women with a similar desire to feel more free, empowered, comfortable, and at home with themselves.

So we can rise up, rebalance, harmonize, and heal our world.



Certified Holistic Nutritionist with AFPA
Certified Personal Trainer with ISSA
Certified Online Health Coach with ISSA
BA in Psychology with emphasis in Research Methods & Statistics


Innate SuperPowers

Empath and Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP)
Highly intuitive
Creative visionary
Intuitive recognition of patterns, their roots, and their implications
Deep personal rooting in patriarchal dismantling and feminine reunification
Participated in a variety of supportive and expansive containers that allow me walk the walk of self-leadership. This work isn’t just my chosen career path, it’s how I live my life.


Inspired by

I have been personally and professionally inspired by the works of

  • Glennon Doyle

  • Sara Avant Stover

  • Kate Northrup

  • Gabrielle Bernstein

  • Colleen Maier of Silver Lining Wishes

  • Kris Carr

  • Sarah Coxon, PhD

  • Rebecca Campbell

  • Meggan Watterson

  • HeatherAsh Amara

  • Aviva Romm, MD