If You Only Do One Thing....
Making progress towards your health goals doesn't have to be overwhelming or all-or-nothing. You don’t have to go all-in on a transformation journey by buying all the equipment, making huge sacrifices, over-committing, or stretching beyond your current limits.
All-in works well for some people - and that's great! - but unfortunately the majority of people will find an all-in approach not sustainable for the long haul. And honestly, it gets tiring to stretch beyond what your current situation will allow - your energy will wane, enthusiasm will dull, and Netflix becomes a lot more appealing than spending your entire Sunday food prepping or planning your weeks workouts.
Even more importantly, the minute priorities shift and other things in life take over (and they will) healthy practices seem like one more To Do on an already crowded list. This may be a bold statement, but your health should never (yes, I used the word never) feel like another chore you need to check off. Health and happiness go hand-in-hand - I’m all about enjoying the journey to a healthier you so it becomes a sustainable, joyful lifestyle.
How do you create sustainability?
One step that I recommend to everyone (whether your goals are health related, career, family, or other area of life) is to establish a Keystone habit. This is a term that is thrown around in the self-discover and personal development space a lot, and for good reason. The research shows (and I can attest) that it works - no matter your goal, starting point, or daily circumstance.
Establish a Keystone Habit.
A keystone habit is the one action you commit to daily that holds your other health goals in place. It's also the habit that has the greatest ripple effect and impact on your mindset and momentum.
For example, a common keystone habit of my clients is to have a smoothie for breakfast each morning that contains 1-2 servings of greens, 1 serving of berries, and flax seed. This habit gets the day started off right and front loads nutrient intake so you feel good physically right off the bat. It also boosts mental wellbeing - knowing you took care of yourself with one choice so early in your day, helps you ride the momentum train as you move through your day.
Other Keystone Habits could be:
Walking for 30-45 minutes daily
Waking up before the household to meditate or meal plan
Dedicating 1 hour of your day to an exercise or activity you enjoy
Making a smoothie in the morning
Making a salad as the main event for lunch
Keystone habits are simple and personal. They are unique to what works for you and your life, they make you feel good, and you begin to look forward to them.
So even on the days (or weeks) when your time and attention are limited and it feels like other habits are sliding, you have this ONE thing you can continue to commit to in order to show yourself some love and continue to progress toward a healthier you.
Next Steps
Establish a Keystone habit and commit to following through for the next 21 days. At the end of the 21 days reflect on the following
Is this habit working for you?
Is it enjoyable, sustainable, and creating a difference in my daily life? And over the long haul?
What ripple effect is this one habit having on other habits you hope to establish?
Now it’s time to share! What is one thing you can start doing TODAY that will show your commitment to a healthier and happier you? Comment below!
With warmth and excitement,