The Need for Space
Maybe it’s the pandemic. Maybe it’s the oppressively humid weather in the Midwest this summer. Maybe it’s the social-political climate and my own reflections. Maybe it’s the post-op physical restrictions. Maybe it’s 2 toddlers and not enough rooms in the house.
A month ago, something made me start writing SPACE at the top of my To Do list everyday. This one word reminds me to cultivate a feeling of space in my life - every. Physical space, emotional space, intellectual space, and mental pace.
Sometimes this looks like open blinds in the living room and all the light I can get.
Sometimes it’s cutting away the clutter of excess screen use, books I don’t actually have an interest in reading anymore, and the abundance of toys on the floor.
Sometimes it means getting outside no matter how hot it is.
Sometimes it’s sitting in silence to be reminded of the expansiveness of my spirit.
It’s natural to feel caged.
We may be caged in our homes as we continue to navigate work-from-home and homeschooling, caged in our hearts as they break for our country and world, caged in our minds as we struggle to understand alternative viewpoints with kindness (please be kind to one another ❤️).
At the same time, we’re also being unleashed. Breaking down walls, barriers, beliefs, and coming together to better understand what’s outside our own experience. Clouds are parting and I believe we’ll come out of this with more space for everyone.
At least, I hope we do.
But for now, creating space in my own life in order to welcome in more creativity, joy, and fun has been a breathtaking and transformative experience.
Next Steps
Where can you create more space in your life so you can unleash your beautiful spirit?
With warmth and spaciousness,