Rewilding: How to add more nature and natural ways of being to your modern life

You can't pour from an empty cup. 

Despite having a thing about overused phrases, this one niggles at my truth bone.

I’ve heard some version of this idiom about a thousand times since becoming a mom. Sometimes it makes me roll my eyes (women already carry enough and now you’re telling me I have to prioritize myself, too?? ). 

In all honesty though, it’s true. And it’s not just for moms. We all need fuller cups. 

Fuller cups so we can pour into our children and raise a generation of contributors, collaborators, and compassionate beings. 

Fuller cups so we can pour into our communities and support each other through all of life’s struggles - the human experience is hard, we’re not meant to do it alone. 

Fuller cups so we can pour back into Mother Earth. 

When we feel connected, we care. 

We care and we take care. 

By caring for ourselves, we deepen our connection to Self - tapping into our intuition, inner knowing, and deep well of power. 

To begin the caring process, the upcoming Free series, Rewilding, will take a closer look at what’s draining your cup and most importantly, how we can refill it. 

In this free series, you’ll learn 

  • How to identify your most common and depleting nervous system triggers 

  • How to know when you’re in burn out, exhaustion, or total depletion - and what to do about it 

  • How to fill your energetic cup with nourishing food and grounding habits 

  • How to embrace your wild in a modern society that makes it (seem) impossible 

Rewilding is the perfect place to start if you're living a little closer to 'E' than you'd like.  

Get a refill in this Free 3-part Interactive Video Series, beginning May 23rd at 6pm CDT. 

Replays will be provided.