Compassionate Eating

I have a lot of ways for describing the way I eat and the lifestyle I have come to value for its health-producing benefits and protective properties - plant-based, whole food plant-based, vegan (when appropriate), SOS WFPB, to name a few. But one of my favorite terms is Compassionate Eating.

Compassionate Eating

Compassionate Eating is a philosophy and lens through which I view food not just as a vehicle through which I receive beneficial nutrients, protective properties, or pure deliciousness. It’s also a medium by which I can create change in my own life as well as in the world.

Compassionate Eating encompasses compassion for myself, of course, but more importantly, it’s about compassion for those who grow or prepare or come in contact with my food, and how my food choices impact our environment and planet. It’s about using my grocery budget to support those who support a healthy world, and making the best choices I can make to support my growing family to ensure they have long, healthy, vibrant lives in which to make their dreams come true.


Compassion is a tenet of my being, and it comes through in how I prepare my food (with care and intention), how I shop, how I store my food, giving thanks to those who make it possible for me to enjoy fresh ingredients and a variety of flavors. Compassion for the planet and creatures that inhabit it by selecting foods that benefit our world and do no harm.

I’m not perfect, oh no, this is not a pat on the back to me. This is an intention. A promise, and a hope to do better. A way I want to be. And often being starts with doing. Choosing and acting in ways that align with our values and who we’d like to be - and making those aligned choices more times than not.

Compassion is a starting point. And with compassion, everyone wins.

Next Steps & Further Resources for Compassion and a Compassionate Way of Eating:

  • Mindful Vegan (don’t let “Vegan” put you off, this is a fantastic book if you’re looking to deepen your connection to your body, explore your relationship to food, and caring for yourself in a meaningful way).

  • Radical Compassion by Tara Brach.

  • Reflect on this question, how you can bring more compassion into your daily life? What areas of your life could use more self-compassion?

With warmth and compassion, and hopes for an abundantly healthy planet,
