Anti-Inflammatory Support Plan
Let food be thy medicine; let medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates
Have you ever just felt inflamed after a day (or week) of eating lots of sweets or indulging in high fat fare? You wake up feeling almost hungover from all the food (and lack of real nutrients)? Been there.
The importance of reducing inflammation in your body can not be overstated. Inflammation is a precursor to (and often at the root of) the many lifestyle diseases and chronic conditions so many Americans suffer with.
What is inflammation?
Inflammation refers to your body's process of fighting against things that harm it - infections, injuries, and toxins - in an attempt to heal itself. When something damages your cells, your body releases chemicals that trigger a response from your immune system. This is critical when we get injured and you can see it in the reddening of the skin, puss, and pain that ensues. But it eventually resolves, your injury heals, and equilibrium is restored.
When that same inflammatory immune response is triggered day in and day out by an onslaught of foods that are high in fat, animal protein, or low quality carbohydrates (white flours and sugars), it damages our internal tissues, weakens all of our systems, and makes the body a perfect environment for disease.
But there's great news!
Inflammation is also very easy to reduce, manage, and eliminate with the following practices.
7 Easy Ways to Fight Inflammation
At least 72oz water daily to lubricate joints, and aid digestion and detoxification
No added sugar – the naturally occurring sugar (fructose) in fruit or vegetables is beneficial because it’s ‘packaged’ with fiber that blunts inflammatory impact, and provides other vital phytonutrients
1 TB ground flaxseed daily to increase blood flow and oxygenation
Gentle movement daily (a simple flow of downward dog to cobra is great for moving toxins through the body)
Daily probiotic to support your gut health and immune system (look for one with over 6 billion CFUs)
Include the following anti-inflammatory foods
Greens (2-3 servings daily)
Berries (1-2 servings daily)
Whole grains (eliminate refined and white grains) (2-4 servings daily)
Manage your stress - 2 stress reducing activities per day. My favorites are:
talking to friends
getting outside (bundle up!)
drinking a "fun" drink (taking the time to make a fancy espresso drink, a new smoothie recipe, mocktail, or the Detox Tea included in the download)
You can begin incorporating some of these practices and then track them in the Tracker (Download below) to investigate your unique patterns of inflammatory triggers – and what helps!
I hope this information and Anti-inflammatory Support Plan serve you on your journey to abundant health!
In health and wellness,